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A Day in Genoa: Exploring the Gem of the Ligurian Coast

A Day in Genoa: Exploring the Gem of the Ligurian Coast

After previous trips to Turin and Milan, it was time to explore the historic city of Genoa. We departed early in the morning from our cozy B&B and, after a relaxing train ride, arrived at Piazza Principe station, the central gateway to this fascinating city.

Arrival and First Impressions

The first thing that struck us upon arrival was the grandeur of the city. Genoa, with its rich history as a maritime republic, exudes an air of antiquity and elegance. From the station, we began our city walk, quickly falling under the spell of the impressive buildings and the unique atmosphere of the city.

A Perfect Start to the Day

We began our exploration with a stop at a charming café, where we enjoyed a delicious cappuccino and freshly baked brioche. There’s nothing better than starting the day with a flavorful Italian coffee, surrounded by the vibrant ambiance of the city.

Walking Through History: Via Garibaldi, Churches, and Palaces

Our walk first led us to the famous Via Garibaldi, a street lined with breathtaking palaces that are part of the UNESCO World Heritage. Here, we admired the imposing facades of Palazzo Rosso, Palazzo Bianco, and Palazzo Doria Tursi, among others. These palaces, once the residences of Genoa’s wealthiest families, stand as a testament to the city’s past wealth and power.

Next, we visited the impressive Palazzo San Giorgio, one of the oldest and most historic buildings in Genoa. This beautiful palace, which once served as a bank and government building, symbolizes the city’s maritime power.

Along the way, we were also overwhelmed by the number of churches in the city. Genoa is known for its countless churches, each with its own unique story and architectural beauty. We visited the Basilica of San Siro, one of the oldest and most iconic churches in Genoa, where we were enchanted by the stunning frescoes and rich interior.

Columbus House and Porta Soprana

During our walk, we passed by the house of Christopher Columbus, where the famous explorer spent his youth. This small, humble house contrasts sharply with the grandeur of the palaces but represents an important piece of history, highlighting Genoa’s connection to this renowned figure.

Not far from Columbus’s house, we visited the Porta Soprana, one of the best-preserved medieval gates in the city. This gate, once part of the city walls, offered us a glimpse into Genoa’s medieval past.

Lunch in the Shade of Narrow Streets

Around noon, we found a cozy restaurant tucked away in one of the narrow alleys. Here, we enjoyed a superb lunch: a delicious pasta vongole with fresh mussels, followed by a perfectly cooked fish with a delectable sauce. The flavors were pure and typically Ligurian, giving us an authentic taste of the local cuisine.

Piazza Raffaele De Ferrari and a Closing Aperitivo

After lunch, we continued to the lively Piazza Raffaele De Ferrari, the bustling heart of Genoa. This large square, with its impressive fountain and surrounded by beautiful buildings like the Teatro Carlo Felice and Palazzo Ducale, forms the cultural and social center of the city. We took a moment to soak in the lively atmosphere before continuing our walk.

From there, we headed to the Porto Antico, Genoa’s old harbor, now transformed into a modern and vibrant area filled with attractions, restaurants, and shops. We strolled along the waterfront, admired the yachts, and enjoyed views of the city and the sea. The mix of historic buildings and modern amenities made this part of the city particularly interesting.

Before taking the train back to our B&B, we ended the day in style with an aperitif at a cozy terrace. We enjoyed a refreshing Aperol Spritz, accompanied by a selection of delicious sandwiches—a delightful twist on the classic "aperitivo" plate. It was the perfect way to conclude our day in Genoa.

Return to the B&B

After this unforgettable day, we boarded the train back to our B&B, feeling deeply touched by Genoa’s rich history and impressive architecture. This city is a hidden gem on the Ligurian coast and a must-visit for anyone seeking an authentic Italian experience.

For our guests staying at our B&B, a day trip to Genoa is an unforgettable experience not to be missed.

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Published 25-08-2024 / Copyright © Festina Lente